Applesauce Making

Wednesday morning, October 20, 2021, the school was descended upon by ladies wielding ladles, funnels and food mills.  It was applesauce making day!  

The previous week the students had picked apples off of a tree in the church yard PLUS had gone on a field trip to a local apple orchard where the very generous owner had donated as many as the students could pick.  Apples are easy to pick which explains the overabundance that was brought back to the school!  They needed to be processed and the troops had arrived!

Students helped with cleaning, cutting, cooking, milling the apples and filling jars.  When the day was over, 81 quarts of applesauce gleamed on the counter and the students had a better understanding of where food comes from and how to make their own!  



Acquainting Agriculture Curriculum, Lesson 17: Storing Crops